A New Wine Season

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In the Bible, honey and wine represent blessing. Repeatedly, we see mention of a “new wine season” or the coming of a time that is fresh, plentiful, and filled with new purpose. In this episode we’re looking at four types of Biblical wine:

1.        The wine of DROUGHT

2.        The wine of CHANGE

3.        The wine of MINISTRY

4.        The wine of NEW SEASONS

Let’s start with The Wine of DROUGHT.  The book of Haggai has a powerful message about spiritual drought. After the work of rebuilding God’s temple had begun by a man named Zerubbabel, threats from hostile neighbors stopped the temple work for sixteen years. In Haggai 1:3-5 and 9-11 we see a stern warning from the prophet who said, “Consider your ways!” He reminded them that God’s house sat unfinished while they continued to improve and care for their own homes. 

New Wine Principle #1: When things other than knowing and enjoying God begin to crowd in, a season of drought will occur. This season will feel self-serving, bland, confusing, and anxious. The only way out of this season is obedience and ultimately surrender. 

When considering The Wine of CHANGE, we must understand that new wine requires a willingness to be open to whatever the Lord wants to do—however He wants to bring it about! 

In Luke 5:37-39 we see Jesus explain change. He tells us we can’t put new wine into old wineskins because they’ll burst, and both will be ruined. One author explains that Jesus knew true faith would require NEW approaches, NEW traditions, and NEW structures for belief in Him to flourish. 

New Wine Principle #2: When we become rigid in our thinking and belief, we can’t go to the new places Jesus wants to take us. We can’t cling to the past and launch into the future. We must let go. If we continue to say, “The old is good enough!” we settle into places we were never meant to stay. 

Our next type of wine is The Wine of MINISTRY. In the gospel of Luke 10:30-37, we see the story of the Good Samaritan. Although we’re familiar with this story, there’s a reference to wine that’s beautiful. The Samaritan traveler, though hated by the Jews, stopped to help a beaten Jew that was robbed and left for dead. While helping, he poured his wine into the wounds of the beaten man—a move that not only helped physically, but spiritually. Ministry isn’t about buildings, nonprofits, or church people talking about doing good…it’s about pouring into other’s wounds.

New Wine Principle #3: When we share our wine with others and tend to each other’s wounds, a true ministering takes place. Our lives are changed, and we change the world around us.

Finally, we look at The Wine of NEW SEASONS. 

In John 2:1-5 we see Jesus at a wedding with his disciples and family. When the wine ran out his mother came to Him and asked Him to do something. He responded that His time hadn’t come. Yet, He asked the servants to prepare the water in the purification pots and had a powerful moment with the Father. In an instant, history changed, because His time HAD come, and He was willing to recognize it. From this night on, a NEW SEASON of miracles, fellowship, teaching and healing would take place. Jesus was in His NEW WINE SEASON. 

Let’s allow God to bring us to our new wine season which may include a new way of thinking, new strategies, new positions, new authority, new freedom, new financial stability, and new vision. 

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